The Buzz About Clover Honey

The whole world seems to be buzzing about this marvel of a honey that’s good enough to drizzle over just about anything! Produced from the nectar of clover blossoms, clover honey is widely known for its mild flavour and sweet aftertaste and of course, its amazing health-boosting properties. If you seemed to have missed the B-news, don’t fret, read on to find out everything you need to know about clover honey and its health benefits.

1. Helps In Healing Wounds

Because of its anti-inflammatory effects, clover honey can be a wonderful remedy for slow-healing injuries. Due to the high amounts of minerals such as iron, potassium, copper, and vitamins such as Vitamin-C, it can help in faster wound healing. It also works wonders against antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

2. Can Regulate Blood Pressure

Regular intake of 1-2 teaspoons of clover honey, early in the morning, every day can help keep high blood pressure under control. However, it shouldn’t be used as an alternative to blood pressure medications or a prescribed treatment suggested by an authorized medical professional. You can amp up the health benefits of clover honey by indulging in some regular exercise and a balanced diet.

3. Goodbye Bad Cholesterol

Raw clover honey that has not been subjected to heat can be used to effectively curb bad cholesterol. That’s why it can also help to prevent diseases that are caused by the accumulation of bad cholesterol in blood vessels. But that doesn’t mean that it is okay to go all out on that all-you-can-eat red meat buffet and top it off with some clover honey as a precaution. Always, try to avoid eating foods high in bad cholesterol as possible.

4. Best Natural Sweetener

As it contains simple sugars, compared to the complex ones found in refined white sugar, it can be used as an excellent natural sweetener, especially for kids. Due to its mild flavour, it can be used to sweeten your daily dishes or a delicious spread for your bagels and toasts. Drizzle it over your pancakes for a blast of natural flavours!

5. Can Prevent Aging

Due to its high anti-oxidant properties, clover honey can protect your skin cells and help in maintaining their health. That’s why clover honey is used in a lot of moisturizing products. But to harbor in on the benefits of clover honey, try and go for raw and pure forms of clover honey as possible.

Can’t find clover honey at your grocery store? Get all the honey you need at Nature’s Basket.

Were you blown away by these clover honey benefits? Wait till you read these Goji Berry Health Facts You Need To Know.

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