Fancy a delicious paneer tikka or some lovely stir fried tofu?Hop on the dairy train and ride with us through this lovely protein filled journey.
A huge source of protein in a vegetarian’s diet comes from tofu and paneer.They are a part of almost every vegetarian diet across the world. Confused which one to cook with? Don’t worry! We have the perfect fit right for you.
1. Paneer
From your mother’s kitchen to your favourite restaurant, this dairy deliciousness is always tempting you to reach out for just one more piece!We are talking about paneer!
Made from coagulated buffalo milk it or cow’s milk, it is creamy white in color and is widely available in the Indian market for a variety of dishes.
Pros Of Eating Paneer
•Paneer is a very good source of protein and calcium. Though it is a milk product, it is better than milk as it gives you more nutrients as well as protein. The only downside is that it gives you more calories as compared to milk.
•Paneer also has conjugated linoleic acid which is a fatty acid which helps lose weight by increasing the fat burning process in the body. So people who are into losing weight should definitely have a paneer dish in their diet.
•Paneer whether you believe it or not stops the growth of cancer cells as well as protects against heart disease by reducing the fat deposits in the arteries.
•Paneer is a great source of potassium, which acts as an important element involved in neural activities of the brain and muscles, that can help prevent muscle cramps.
2. Tofu
Tofu is known as ‘soy paneer’ or ‘bean curd’ as it is prepared from coagulated soy milk. It is very similar to paneer in appearance butunlike panner, tofu is a nondairy product with a lower calorie and fat count.
Pros Of Eating Tofu
•Tofu too helps stop the growth of cancer cells and reduces the chances of heart disease.
•Tofu has a high dose of calcium content which is required by women when they hit menopause. It helps reduce hot flashes and prevents the high bone-loss risk related to menopause.
•Tofu also slows down the aging process relatively as it helps to retain the elasticity of the skin and tones the facial muscles thus reducing aging.
•It also prevents hair loss.
3. Which One To Go For And Why?
As you can see from the above explanation, paneer and tofu have very similar advantages. Confused, are you? Read on to find out which one’s the best for you according to your personal needs.
•People who want a higher protein,calcium and energy diet should definitely go for paneer as it has a much higher protein,calcium, and energy count than tofu.
•People who are trying to reduce their weight and calorie intake should definitely include tofu in their diet as it has a much lower fat and calory count than paneer and it is a non-dairy product.
•Tofu and paneer both reduce cancer as well as heart disease, but for a lower calorieintake, people should consume tofu.
•To prevent hair loss as well as aging people should eat tofu.
•Women who have hit menopause should consume tofu instead of paneer as it has a higher dose
calcium which they need during this time.
Now, are you ready to whip up a plate of spicy paneer tikkas or out together some yummy tofu tacos? Get your ingredients here.
Click on this link for various healthy as well as exciting ways to make tofu at home.